Our tallow.

Our tallow is made by traditionally rendering suet (the hard, white fat from around the animals kidneys) from local regenerative farms right here in Manitoba. The livestock is exclusively grass-fed and raised on perennial pastures alongside laying hens and bees using holistic and regenerative principles to work towards better soil health, healthy livestock, pollinators and habitat for other species.

Tallow contains proteins that are essential building blocks of every cell membrane in your skin. The fats help to absorb minerals, provide energy, and contains vitamins D, A, K, E & B12 that are bio-available making it incredibly healing for your skin. It is the perfect everyday moisturizer, while especially helpful for those who suffer from dry and irritated skin conditions i.e., eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, sunburn, etc.

We are proud to use exclusively grass-fed suet for all of our tallow based products. This is the very diet that nature intended and results in the most nutrient dense moisturizer on the planet. It is higher in total nutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants, key fatty acids, vitamins B12 and E, beta-carotene, minerals, and amino acids, compared to grain-fed beef.